

8 July, 2022

Linville Road collapse temporary repairs

Somerset Regional Council has patched a flood-induced road pavement collapse on Linville Road, just south of Linville.

Linville Road collapse temporary repairs - feature photo

Infrastructure Recovery Sub-Group representative and Deputy Mayor, Cr Helen Brieschke said, “This is another example of a road which has just been completely undermined by the 2022 floods.”

“Linville Road had actually been operating okay and then the pavement simply collapsed over the past week because it was completely saturated and damaged below the surface.

“This is the picture we have seen with so many of our local roads – long-standing road pavements and subgrades have just dissolved following repeated flooding.

“We are grateful to have the funding support of the Queensland Reconstruction Authority and the Australian and Queensland Governments to help fund temporary repairs for our local roads but that’s all they are – temporary.

“Linville Road is the access to our great Brisbane Valley Rail Trail tourist town of Linville and the gateway to a huge beef production area.

“The collapse in Linville Road this week cut Linville’s connection with the rest of Somerset and our team acted quickly to at least get it trafficable.

“We thank residents for their patience while we work through the local road repairs and in cases like Linville Road – identify where all the hidden road pavement failures are.”


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