

20 May, 2021

Still time to see the May exhibition at Glen Rock Gallery

The current exhibition at Glen Rock Gallery, Esk features four talented photographers, Wayne Gillis, Neil Degney, Neil Griffith and Trevor Netting. It's titled 'Why Landscape' and is open until Wednesday, 2 June 2021.

Still time to see the May exhibition at Glen Rock Gallery - feature photo

Wayne regards photography as a conduit to exploring the world around us. In his mini series, Aspect Ratio, he explores common patterns or characteristics that exist over vast differences of scale.

Neil Degney has taken photographs for most of his life and has exhibited both nationally and internationally in a range of mediums. He is presenting images from some of his favourite locations.

Neil Griffith formally studied art and photography, often works in monochrome and is drawn to graphic shapes and the changes in the way light is reflected from the Earth. His images have appeared in national and international publications.

Trevor Netting has a series of photographs involving both sea water and fresh water. These explore our need to be near nature, our fragile relationship with it and the need for balance.

The gallery is within Esk Visitor Information Centre, 82 Ipswich Road, Esk. It is open every day, weekdays, 9am-5pm and weekends, 9am-2pm. 


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