
3 December, 2022

Name change on the horizon for Caboolture West

FIVE new location names have been put forward for the area currently known as Caboolture West.

Name change on the horizon for Caboolture West - feature photo

The names are Lilywood, Wagtail Grove, Greenstone, Corymbia, and Waraba.

State Member for Glass House, Andrew Powell, said the names were offered by the Queensland Government and Moreton Bay Regional Council (MBRC) with input from the community.

According to the Place Names Act 1994, place name proposals are required to be advertised for a two-month statutory consultation period to allow the public to provide comment.

“There was a time when locals had the opportunity to provide feedback/suggestions for the suburb names,” Mr Powell said.

“Now, feedback on the proposed names will soon be welcomed at

“Once the feedback period begins, it will be open for two months.

“A final plan of locality names and the general layout of Caboolture West is anticipated to be available in approximately 18 months’ time.

“Decisions are made by the State Government in conjunction with MBRC.”


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