

17 June, 2021

Filming for DEi Project to the creation of Global Competence vlogs in schools

On 1 June staff from Department of Education International (DEi) and a videographer visited Kilcoy State High School to capture footage and information to create a video-log about our Deeper Learning journey.

Filming for DEi Project to the creation of Global Competence vlogs in schools - feature photo

Our school has been on a learning journey since late 2015 with our engagement with a global research project ‘New Pedagogies for Deep Learning (NPDL). This work focuses heavily on equipping students with the skills they need to flourish in a rapidly changing world – known as 21st Century Skills. Our moral imperative is to empower students to succeed in the world beyond the classroom.

Kilcoy SHS has been recognised as a leader with this work not only within our state but also nationally and globally. During 2019 and 2020, 23 schools visited our school to learn from our work and see it in action in the classroom. We have had staff present our work at Global Deep Learning Hubs in Toronto and Vancouver as well as at multiple conferences held in Queensland. Kilcoy SHS was selected, along with 10 other schools from across Queensland, to be part of a working party to help set the future direction for education in Queensland.

Once edited, the vlog will be used at Education Queensland events, website and youtube to promote the type of work we have been involved with to other schools to help grow it further.


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